Jan 25, 2007

Surprise Birthday!

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Happy Birthday Charise McDreamy, 30th Birthday!

No no no it's not my birthday, not even my half birthday but according to my friends, it is! We went to eat at Golden Dragon chinese restaurant in the Taj Krishna hotel (where we have Sunday brunch.) I went to the restroom and returned to a cake being delivered to my plate and everyone singing! The cake said "Happy Birthday Charise McDreamy 3o years old!" When Mahin made the reservation they asked if it was for a special occasion and she told them it was my birthday, 30th birthday! McDreamy, well that's a small side joke...I got her hooked on Grey's anatomy and now we joke about Derrick Shephard's name (McDreamy in Grey's.) Anyway, to tip off the birthday cake, the restaurant lit fireworks outside the window! It was crazy but SUPER funny hahahahs! What a fun way to end a long week. And, Shannon and her boyfriend, Pratap, came to dinner. She's in town for a couple weeks with Pratap attending a few weddings.

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